The Marc and Clementine Podcast: .aternity.

A podcast dedicated to children: .aternité

Having children is not just about reading stories with a ready stories app; it’s a turning point in life. And this turning point, we like to discuss it with those who have experienced the same thing. There are various means for that: friends, social networks, forums, podcasts, and more.

Among the latter, we find the .aternity podcast.

.aternity is the podcast about a upheaval: the birth of parenthood. Marc and Clem invite a couple every month to talk about the birth of their children from the genesis of the individual, the couple, the desire for children, through birth, postpartum, and the baby’s first months.

All of this is done in a relaxed tone, with funny – or not – anecdotes, and emotion. The guests are not model parents; they are not perfect, but they are doing their best.

Feel free to give it a listen!